Information for First Responders

Grafton WI police officers receiving REACH bags.

REACH partners with local First Responders (whether a police officer, a firefighter, EMT, Sheriff, or State Patrol) to supply each vehicle with a REACH BAG complete with Children’s books and drawstring backpacks which First Responders keep in their vehicles to use when they encounter children-in-crisis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the program cost?

THERE IS NO COST TO YOUR DEPARTMENT. Each REACH BAG kit costs $150, however, REACH staff will assist you to find local community funding.

What’s included with each bag?

A number of new children's books (appropriate for ages 2-12) along with drawstring backpacks.

Who should have REACH bags?

REACH-A-Child recommends one bag for every Police/State Patrol/Sheriff/EMS vehicle and one for each Fire Department apparatus that responds to the majority of calls.

How do we get started?

Once your Department has expressed interest, REACH will provide assistance in finding the funding.