REACH-A-Child™ Bag Program
How it Works
The REACH BAG Program operates as follows: Each squad or emergency vehicle is equipped with a durable backpack ("REACH BAG") containing new children's books and drawstring backpacks.
When First Responders encounter a child in crisis, they take the child to a safe place (typically their vehicle) and open the REACH BAG. The child chooses a book for them to read together, thus giving comfort to the child while also distracting him/her from source of the trauma. When finished, the child keeps the book(s) along with a drawstring backpack.
Why Books?
Research shows that the brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Giving a child a book in a time of crisis redirects the child’s attention away from the crisis to the book in hand, and positively impacts their memory of the event. For this reason, giving the children books onsite has a more positive effect than items like teddy bears, because, unlike a book, teddy bears do not redirect the child’s eyes away from the crisis in view.

REACH-A-Child’s Impact
Children are immediately comforted and their attention directed away from the crisis at hand. First Responders consistently report that the act of giving the child a book immediately calms them and helps them to cope with the situation around them. As one officer reported, “…after getting my REACH BAG, I offered a book to the little girl who was extremely frightened. She was instantly comforted and became far less fearful.”
A second result is that First Responders feel good about their jobs and what they do. Our program is especially beneficial to First Responders who do not have experience raising children. REACH staff hear from First Responders all the time that the act of giving the book and seeing the child become less fearful, helps them to feel good about what they doing. After helping a homeless family, one officer reported that she “left feeling better about my job knowing that simple contacts aided with things like the donated books can really make a difference.”
Neuroscience Research reports that the brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time. By giving a child a book, their attention turns away from the crisis to the person with the book!
How You Can Help
REACH-A-Child™ is a Madison-based non-profit currently partnering with First Responders in many communities across Wisconsin. This effort involves the creation of REACH BAGs* which are then delivered to the offices of the First Responders. This takes time and money. As we aren’t selling the books or BAGs, we rely upon sponsors to support our program since local departments cannot include this costs in their budgets.
Given our local community focus — helping YOUR police, fire, ambulance, etc. — we hope you will agree this is a GREAT way for your business to support your local First Responders! Please join us as we help First Responders to put a smile on the face of every child-in-crisis.
* This program does not discriminate, as emergencies happen to everyone no matter what their income level, race OR beliefs.
REACH-A-Child™ is a 501(c)3. All donations are tax-deductible.